My Story


Chris Middleton

In the spring of 2013, I was slapped across the face with a simple reality. I had friends that I loved dearly that did not know Jesus. I had put my faith in Jesus almost a year before, and yet I had done nothing to tell my friends about the God that I had grown to know and love. Everything changed for me in this moment as I began to share the gospel daily with peers, began to get involved in my student ministry in Atlanta, and started to pray deeply for revival in my school.

Throughout high school, God affirmed my calling to ministry through the encouragement of mentors, mission trips overseas, and through a variety of ministry leadership opportunities. Today, I have graduated from college with a degree in Biblical & Theological Studies, and as of spring 2021 I have completed my Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry from Talbot School of Theology in Los Angeles, California. As I have studied more and more, my passion for the church and for the lost has only grown. I deeply love the Lord, the church, and the lost more than ever.

The church appears to be fading in this cultural moment, yet hope is not lost. God throughout history has always used a small remnant to awaken the culture. Revival starts with prayer and commitment to the Word of God in the church. A revived church revives culture. To reach culture, I believe powerful preaching uses cultural touch-points to highlight how Jesus truly fills every longing of our hearts. I am passionate about communicating the gospel to people with passionate conviction and with relevance, so that people may know the God that made them. I desire to serve the church from the stage and from beyond the stage to partner with God’s vision that every tribe and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord.

I am currently working at Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia in our student ministry. It is an honor to serve at the church I have called home for so many years!


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